Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Hey everyone!


This thanksgiving break was a much-needed break. I made sure to sleep in and enjoy time with all of my family since I do not get much of either of those things during the school year. 


I started out Thanksgiving Day by watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. This is a tradition and I always love every second of it. The Radio City Rockettes are my favorite part of the whole thing.


We made the journey to Chillicothe, Ohio and were welcomed with open arms by my mom’s parents. We do not get to see them very often, so we were able to catch up on what was happening in our lives. My dad’s mom also came along with us. We had our turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and all of the classic foods. One tradition we have is that my grandma forces me to eat one singular green bean every year. I hate green beans with every bone in my body. I have to smother it in mashed potatoes and scarf it down so that way I do not throw it back up.


We have ice cream pie for dessert and then we are on the road again to Thanksgiving number two with my second family. All the girls get matching shirts and when we show up the guys get confused and we act like we do not know what is going on. After eating we play Euchre, Bingo, and Cards Against Humanity. It was so much fun.


I love getting to spend uninterrupted time with my family and I cannot wait to do it again soon at Christmas.


Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Hi everyone!


This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend PRSSA ICON in Grapevine, Texas. We flew out of Detroit on Friday. It was Dr. Aggie, Andrea Hoffman, Colette Liepert, Emma Smith, and I that all flew together. Alyson Hoffman, and Isabella Crego were at the conference as well, but they flew in separately.


Each day was filled with fun, learning, and networking. Some of my favorite speakers that I got to listen to were Brandi Boatner who called herself “the Beyonce of the Business World”, and Marlee Matlin who is a deaf actress.


The place we stayed in was called The Gaylord Texan Resort. At this location they have a celebration called the 40 Days of Christmas so the entire place was decked out head to toe in Christmas lights and decorations. They also had activities that you could pay for such as snow tubing and ice skating. As a group we all did the activity called ICE. We got to go into an area that was nine degrees and see the story of The Polar Express made out of ice. Since it is so cold in there they give you a blue parka to keep you warm along the way. It was so much fun.


I loved getting to spend so much time with the girls that went. We were not the type of people that hung out before we left but learning so much about them this weekend made my love for them and for PR grow even more.


The plane ride home was nice and smooth unlike the way there that had turbulence that made me very nervous. 


I had an amazing time and cannot wait for next year’s conference. It was truly a weekend that I will never forget. To everyone that made this possible, thank you! Now bring on Thanksgiving break!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Meet Jack Jack

 Hey everyone! 


This blog post and hopefully others to come are at the request of Dr. Aggie. 


Yesterday, I went into Aggie’s office not knowing what I was about to get into. She tells me that the big fish in her fish tank have eaten the fins off of the little fish in the tank.  The big fish are named Malfoy and He Who Shall Not Be Named. The little one is named Jack Jack. I then volunteer to take him home and try to nurse him back to health. The only method of transportation I had from Aggie’s office to my room was Emma’s straw cup. He even got to attend PR Issues before making the grand trip to my room.


The only small clear thing I have is a measuring cup, so that’s where I put him. Since he has no fins to help him swim he is stuck upside down and cannot swim up. He did however eat the food that has fallen to the bottom of the cup, so he is at least eating something.


I wake up this morning expecting him to be dead, but here he is still alive almost 24 hours after I received him. Except now he is not upside down, he is on his side. He is still at the bottom of the cup, but what small amount of fin he has left is moving. 


If you ask me, Jack Jack is very much alive and will be back and better than ever in no time. Stay tuned for an update on my new friend who will hopefully still be alive tomorrow let alone next week.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Spooky Season

 Hey everyone!

If you know me at all, you know that I hate anything scary. I am beyond happy that Halloween is finally over. 

I think this all stemmed from when I was little and I would go out trick or treating and all the “big kids” would have scary masks on and I would just start crying. I always loved getting to dress up as whatever I was into that year and getting free candy, but the bad always outweighed the good. 

I remember this one time when my sister was a freshman at Ohio State Lima and my family and I went up to visit her. We were taking her grocery shopping at Walmart and I was alone with my sister in an aisle looking at something. These older kids came up to us in scary masks and were trying to scare us. I backed away and was yelling “Stop!” My dad heard us from the next aisle over and came over and yelled at the kids to go away and to stop tormenting us. I was almost in tears I was so upset and scared.

I have never been one for scary movies either. At a middle school volleyball sleepover, we decided to watch "Woman in Black". I was petrified. The girl who hosted the sleepover’s mom came downstairs and yelled at all of us to turn it off because we were screaming so loud. I did not watch another scary movie for another probably 5 years after that. I just recently watched "The Purge", which I enjoyed for the most part. It was not too scary. But then I watched "Annabelle Comes Home". That was the scariest movie I have ever seen. If I ever watch a scary movie again, it will be too soon.

Since Halloween is over, that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up. Those are my favorite holidays because I get to spend so much time with my family and now I don’t have to worry about being scared all of the time!