Wednesday, June 2, 2021

College Decision

Picking where to go to college is one of the hardest decisions that I have ever had to make. I never had that moment where I knew I had to go to a certain school. If I am being honest, my mom picked out a few schools for me to maybe play softball at and those are the ones I applied to. I really hated the thought of college and picking somewhere to give all of my money to. During the month of May of my senior year of high school I still had not picked a college yet. My parents asked me every single day and I just cried because I did not have a clue. I didn’t know what I wanted to do or anything. It was so stressful. I wrote out all of the pros and cons and still got nowhere. One day I just randomly decided to choose Ohio Northern University (ONU) and it was a decision I am glad I made to this day!

I had my list of potential schools narrowed down to Ohio Northern and University of Dayton. Complete opposites. One is D1, and 20 minutes from home. The other is D3, and an hour twenty from home. I liked the campus on my visit, so I said lets go for it. Worst comes to worst I can transfer. And not only did I pick a school, I picked a major. I chose sport management. 


After one year of college under my belt I am still majoring in sport management. This program is different at ONU compared to most other schools. The sport management major is included in the college of business. This was another factor into my decision to go here. This is good because it is always good to have a business background for anything. 


Picking a smaller school is not a bad thing either. Some people think that since it is D3 that it is only for athletes or for people who cannot get into the bigger schools. That is 100% not the case. I got accepted into big schools and still chose this one. A smaller school gives you more than what those other schools can offer. Our professors are great, and they actually care about you and how you are doing. They will know the real you and not just see you in class yet never know your name. My sister goes to Ohio State University and I can almost guarantee you her professors do not know who she is. 


I do not regret my decision to go to school at ONU one bit. The community is so welcoming, and the atmosphere is something that those big schools cannot even begin to offer. So, if you are ever struggling to make a decision, just know that I too struggle, but it will all work itself out eventually. You just have to make the best of it!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah choosing where to go for college is always rough. I did the same thing when I chose to come to ONU. My parents kept asking me if I made my decision yet. I had a bout 4 schools to pick from and I just decided to pick ONU. For me it was not anything specifically that drew me to the college. Besides that my sister went to ONU and I knew they had a good engineering program. Which now I have switched out of but I still love it here. It is funny because I never even went on a campus visit to ONU before I got to campus since my sister went to ONU.
