Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Social Media Presentation

 Hi everyone!

This past week I was given the opportunity to give a presentation to Elida Middle School about the Do's and Don'ts of social media. I did not work alone; Emma Smith was also by my side for this.

Emma and I woke up bright and early on Friday morning to drive over to Lima to help out Dr. Aggie in giving this presentation. We were not really nervous because social media is such a big part in today's world, so we felt like we both knew what we were talking about. 

A few things we talked about is filtering what you say about other people, and the fact that nothing is ever deleted or private even if you think it is. As middle schoolers, they were probably just happy to get out of class and did not really care about what we had to say, but we tried to make it somewhat engaging so they really know we are not lying. 

After we finished presenting, Emma, Dr. Aggie, and I went out for brunch. We went to Lulus and it was delicious! I got pancakes, eggs, and bacon with chocolate milk to drink. I am a kid at heart because chocolate milk is my favorite drink ever. 

After brunch we hung out at Dr. Aggie's house for a while and then we had to head back to ONU to get to our PR Issues class because we had a news quiz that day. 

Overall, it was a fun experience and I even got two practicum points out of it so it was a win win for all of us!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Megan! I should have made a blog post about this too! I had fun doing this presentation as well. Thank you for driving. The food and practicum points were a great bonus as was the nap on Aggie's couch!
