Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Hey everyone!


This thanksgiving break was a much-needed break. I made sure to sleep in and enjoy time with all of my family since I do not get much of either of those things during the school year. 


I started out Thanksgiving Day by watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. This is a tradition and I always love every second of it. The Radio City Rockettes are my favorite part of the whole thing.


We made the journey to Chillicothe, Ohio and were welcomed with open arms by my mom’s parents. We do not get to see them very often, so we were able to catch up on what was happening in our lives. My dad’s mom also came along with us. We had our turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and all of the classic foods. One tradition we have is that my grandma forces me to eat one singular green bean every year. I hate green beans with every bone in my body. I have to smother it in mashed potatoes and scarf it down so that way I do not throw it back up.


We have ice cream pie for dessert and then we are on the road again to Thanksgiving number two with my second family. All the girls get matching shirts and when we show up the guys get confused and we act like we do not know what is going on. After eating we play Euchre, Bingo, and Cards Against Humanity. It was so much fun.


I love getting to spend uninterrupted time with my family and I cannot wait to do it again soon at Christmas.



  1. I am glad you had a fun and safe break. It is so nice to spend time with your family that you don't get to see as often. I am definitely looking forward to Thanksgiving break!

  2. Hey Megan, I also made sure to sleep and spend time with family. I didn't watch the parade this year but I like the Rockettes too. I am also excited to see my family again for Christmas. I am glad you had a good break, good luck with finals!
