Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Meet Jack Jack

 Hey everyone! 


This blog post and hopefully others to come are at the request of Dr. Aggie. 


Yesterday, I went into Aggie’s office not knowing what I was about to get into. She tells me that the big fish in her fish tank have eaten the fins off of the little fish in the tank.  The big fish are named Malfoy and He Who Shall Not Be Named. The little one is named Jack Jack. I then volunteer to take him home and try to nurse him back to health. The only method of transportation I had from Aggie’s office to my room was Emma’s straw cup. He even got to attend PR Issues before making the grand trip to my room.


The only small clear thing I have is a measuring cup, so that’s where I put him. Since he has no fins to help him swim he is stuck upside down and cannot swim up. He did however eat the food that has fallen to the bottom of the cup, so he is at least eating something.


I wake up this morning expecting him to be dead, but here he is still alive almost 24 hours after I received him. Except now he is not upside down, he is on his side. He is still at the bottom of the cup, but what small amount of fin he has left is moving. 


If you ask me, Jack Jack is very much alive and will be back and better than ever in no time. Stay tuned for an update on my new friend who will hopefully still be alive tomorrow let alone next week.


  1. Megan, great blog! I hope the little guy stays alive for as long as possible with your help. He would have been dead by now if someone didn't step up and taken care of him. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Megan, thank u for letting me see the little guy. He is so handsome in person! I might have to call you Dr. Doolittle now.
