Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Q & A Session

 Hey everyone!

The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived...

Last weekend was the end to my weekly concert run. I do not have another one until later in October, so you get a break after this one. 

However, this concert was much more special than all of the others because I had the Q&A package. I got to go into the venue early and participate in a Q&A session with Conan Gray. There is one girl who goes viral on TikTok because she goes to every single show and is always front row, so my only goal for this show was to beat her and be first in line. I got in line at 2 A.M. on Friday. No, I am not joking. It was freezing cold until the sun came out, but it was all worth it because I was first in line. 

Included in the package I got a signed VIP lanyard, a candle, a notebook, and bookmark all relating to songs he sings. It was the best concert I had ever been to just because of how intimate it was and how close we were. 

During the show one of my friends held up a sign that said, "Take my BeReal". Conan read the sign and took her phone and took her BeReal. We were all freaking out. I attached a picture of it below. I am in the front row on the left side!

The two other photos I have attached are one that I took with my phone during the show, and the other is the selfie that Conan takes cat each Q&A session!

I wish I had more Conan concerts to go to, but since I don't I guess I will have to talk about something different next week.  

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