Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Fall Break

Hi everyone!

After a long week of being sick and miserable, I think it is safe to say that I really needed this fall break. I wish it could have been longer. 

My break started out by celebrating my sisters birthday at my Grandma Barb's (dad's mom) house. She lives with my Aunt Peggy and Uncle Bugs. It is always so much fun when we go there because Uncle Bugs love to be crazy and have the best time possible. I added a picture of him wearing his Cleveland Browns gear when they did not even play until the next day!

On Sunday my family and I drove down to Chillicothe to celebrate my Grandpa Ron's (mom's dad) birthday. He is 75! My grandparents good friends Jerry and Vestina were there as well. I had not seen them in a very long time, so I was very happy to see them. We took a big family picture to remember the moment because we do not know when we will get to see them again.

When Monday came around I started to get a bit sad. I was having lots of fun spending uninterrupted time with my family and cuddling with my cats. I had to wake up early Monday to go to the dentist and get my wisdom teeth examined because I am getting them out soon. The second I got back home I went back to bed and sleep for another couple hours and it felt great. Sleeping is honestly one of my favorite things to do.

It was the Tuesday and the last day of fall break. Me along with several others decided to go on our yearly in-state firm trip with PRSSA. We visited ODOT, Columbus Crew, Nationwide Children's Hospital and Side 9. We ate a delicious lunch at The Walrus and stopped for Graeters ice cream on the way home. We took two separate vans since there were so many of us and my van had Dr. Aggie, Emma, and Brooke. 

My fall break was full of events and good times, but I just wish it could have lasted just a little bit longer.

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