Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 Hi everyone!

This past weekend I went on a trip to Pittsburgh and man did so many exciting (and not so exciting) things happen. 

Let’s start with Thursday...

I am on my way home due to all (but one) of my classes being cancelled on Friday. I was so excited to be able to listen to Taylor Swift's new album not in my tiny room so I could take it all in on full blast. Well, I was about halfway home and I'm at a stop light and a big work van hits me FOUR TIMES in the back. Luckily me and my car are both okay for the most part. It has a few dents and scrapes, but nothing too major. Then midnight was finally here and Midnights by Taylor Swift was out. If you have not listened to it yet, I highly recommend it. Three hours later she then dropped a surprise seven more songs to the album.

It is now Saturday morning and our whole group wakes up and goes to the Duquesne Incline. I was a bit nervous on it, but the concept of it was very cool. It is finally time to get in line for the Fletcher concert which is the reason we went to Pittsburgh in the first place. While in line I notice a girl who I follow on TikTok. Her name is Ally Bellair and her wife was with her as well. She has 1.7M followers on TikTok. I get so excited and ask her for a picture. She is one of the funniest people I watch and they were both the nicest to us engaging in conversation and not being rude at all. Once inside we have the time of our lives and never want it to end as always. 

Every time I go to a concert I post a video on my Instagram story afterward and tag the artist in hopes that they will see it. I also post a picture with the Bellair's just to show off that I met someone famous. I wake up the next morning to see that Fletcher reposted my Instagram story to her story. That means she watched my video and loved it so much that she wanted all of her followers to see it as well. I have never wakened up in a better mood. I was so excited that she noticed me. Along with all of this excitement, on my way home Ally Bellair reposts my post of her onto her story too! I had two famous people notice me and post me on their story in the same day. How insane is that?


  1. That's so fun that you got to meet that Tiktoker! How does a van hit something four times in a row, thats crazy, glad both you and your car are okay though.

  2. Megan! I love hearing about your concert adventures. I think it's beyond cool that you travel everywhere to concerts, like every weekend!!! I need to come at least once!

  3. Another fun concert adventure, I am jealous! I have yet to listen to Taylor's new album. I have never met a famous Tiktoker before, it sounds cool. I can't believe both Fletcher and Ally reposted your post, that's crazy! I am so glad you had fun this weekend.

  4. It sounds like you had another great concert weekend. It was so cool how two famous people noticed you and reposted you. I would have been so excited. Thanks for sharing!
