Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Jaw Problems

 Hi everyone!

Not everyone knows this about me, but I have had what we think is TMJ for a few years now. I say we think it is TMJ because I have been to numerous doctors, dentists, oral surgeons, and no one can seem to give me any relief.

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. Basically, the cartridge that is right below my ear goes in and out of place (usually out in my case) and it is just bone grinding on bone. The cartilage is supposed to be in a certain spot to ease the opening and closing of the jaw, but mine does not do that.

Just imagine every time you open your mouth or try to chew something it either pops super loud and painfully or just does not open all the way because it is completely locked up. All of this along with a constant headache and not being able to eat steak, gum, or anything super chewy. This is what I suffer with every day. 

It all started out when I took a 25-pound medicine ball to the chin the summer before senior year of high school. The doctor said I sprained my jaw and that was it. A year or two later I start getting constant pain and popping in my jaw every time I chewed or even opened it in general. Here is when all of mine and my families money started to go down the drain.

I started out by going to my normal dentist, and then them referring me to a specialist. This specialist said the problem was somehow linked to my hips (crazy I know) and then I was referred to a chiropractor. That chiropractor used a tool to "pop" my jaw back into place which never failed to leave me in tears. (He never did anything with my hips.) I later came to find out that whatever he was doing with his "magical" tool was actually making me worse. 

The next person I went to was supposedly "the best TMJ specialist in our area". I go to a few appointments and get this mouthpiece that is supposed to help me glide my mouth better to keep my jaw on track. After I get the piece I go back for it to be adjusted and he heats it up a little so it can form to my teeth. Well, when he heats it up and says, "don't worry it is just a little warm, it won't hurt", I believe him as I should, right? He sticks it in my mouth and it is hotter than an Arizona desert in the middle of summer. It left me with what looked like second if not third degree burns on the roof of my mouth. I could not eat for days. My mom called to complain and they did nothing about it whatsoever. Did not even apologize or act like they cared. This was the last straw for us because this mouthpiece cost us about $2,000 out of pocket along with months of our time with no improvement. How can someone tell us he is the best and he scams us out of that much money along with literally burning me?

We found out that the mouthpiece was basically a scam when I went to the next doctor. He said that the piece was not going to do a thing for my condition and if anything, it was also making it worse. It did not let my jaw relax in the position that it needed to be in. This doctor proceeded with another method of relief which was kind of shaving my teeth down so my bite aligned better. And of course, I did this a few times and still had absolutely no relief.

Every day my mom, dad, and I search for someone or something that can help, but we have had no luck. I know it sounds almost like a sob story, but I have learned to live with it hoping that one day I will get relief. Honestly at this point someone just slice me open and give me a new jaw.

If anyone has any recommendations please let me know!



  1. Hi Megan! I never even knew that about you but I'm so sorry!
    I know nothing is worse than having something wrong with your mouth and you can't enjoy some food. I can't believe that no one even cared about how that mouthguard burned your mouth. It is crazy to think that doctors go to school for so long and no one can help. I hope you find out whats wrong and get it fixed soon!

  2. Megan, I am so sorry to hear about all the troubles you have been through with your jaw! You have so much strength and determination in you. A close family friend of mine just went through a jaw reconstruction. I forget all the details, but her jaw pain was triggered by taking a soccer ball to the face. She went to Florida for the surgery, and her mouth was sewn shut for almost a year. I know this sounds horrible, but she is feeling better than ever now. I hope you find a solution, Megan!

  3. Megan, I also have TMJ. What a small world! Mine flares when I get stressed out and it's terrible. I hope you can find some relief!
