Friday, June 25, 2021

Social Media For Strategic Communication Ch. 9-10

Here I am again talking about my readings for the week. This time it is chapters nine and ten. Chapter nine is about creating types of content and how to manage it. Chapter ten is about measurements, evaluations, and keeping track of money and time. 


A notable part from chapter nine for me was the part about the different tools to create content. I feel that when people hear social media content they just think of people posting pictures or maybe a video, but there is more to it. It can be written, audio, visual, video, and graphic. All of these ways appeal to different audiences. If you switch up your content on your page, you might attract more viewers. There is always the chance of that one person being annoyed that you posted a video and unfollow. But that one unfollow is nothing when you have also just gained ten more new followers. 


A notable part from chapter ten for me was the part about how important measurement and evaluations are in social media. This all contributes to the marketing factor, so you know who your posts are directed towards and what you need to post. The International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication created its own framework for key areas to cover in social media. This framework includes; objectives, inputs, activities, outputs, outtakes, outcomes, and impact. They also use SMART objectives which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-specific.

I have included a picture that says some different ways you can use these tools on social media.

Information and photo from: “Social Media for Strategic Communication” by Karen Freberg 

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