Saturday, May 29, 2021

Live Tweeting!

Hey everyone! I did my live tweeting assignment for my principles of social media class today. I actually did it from the car as my family was driving to Florida for vacation. So,  it was an experience to say the least. 

I was going to live tweet a softball game yesterday, but I could not get the game feed to load because we were basically in the middle of nowhere all throughout yesterday. So, I quit trying to get it to load and said that I would try the Cincinnati Reds game today. While we were still on the road today I had multiple different ways that I could access the game so I knew I would get it one way or another. 


I started out listening to the game on the radio and watching the live pitch-by-pitch updates on the MLB app. Luckily we arrived at our condo during the fourth or fifth inning, so I was able to turn it on and actually watch it after that. 


I found out that you definitely have to pay attention most if not all of the time to make sure you do not miss anything. Someone got hurt while I wasn’t paying attention, so I had to play catch up as the announcers said what happened. 


Unfortunately, it was not a good game. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything less from the Reds. Us Reds fans have been experiencing losses, especially to the cubs, for years now. It stated out only 2-0 and the Reds even tied it up in the sixth inning. After that, everything and I mean everything went downhill.  We went through three pitchers in one inning. What an inning it was for the Cubs in the 8th . They blasted the ball and ended up scoring 8 more runs to finish out the game 10-2. As a Reds fan, that was not a fun game to watch and live tweet along with. 


Overall, I think I would live tweet again if I needed to, but probably not on my own by choice. I am glad I am able to say that I have done it. Maybe a TV show or a better game even though there is no way I could control that. I am just an impatient person, so that could have been a factor as well. 


Even though they lose all the time, I will always support the Cincinnati Reds!


Photo from: @Reds

Friday, May 28, 2021

Analysis of Reading

 I am not the type of person to just sit down and read a book but when I know I have to read something for a class I am able to get it done. I guess you could say it gives me more motivation when my grade is at stake. 

While reading chapters 1-8 of “The Art of Social Media” there were a few things that made me think a little harder or read again. The first thing that stuck out to me was a part that talked about resharing and commenting on posts. It said “…resharing your posts is the ultimate compliment, because it means that people are risking their reputations on what you’ve written” (Kawasaki, Fitzpatrick 25). I never really thought about it this way. I always thought of it as they were commenting to support you and not even thinking about what it could be doing to their reputation. Say it were a political post and you commented on it and everyone is now able to see how you view that topic. It’s just crazy to me to think that commenting on someone’s post could ultimately ruin your reputation. 

A few pages later the authors bring up NPR. The first thing that popped into my head was my mom. I just remember her coming home from work every day telling us what she learned that morning listening to that radio station. We all thought she was weird for willingly choosing to listen to people talk on her way to work but she absolutely loved it and that is all that mattered to her!

One question I thought of while reading was during Chapter 6. It talked about getting more followers and that 90% of the battle is to “share good stuff”.  Doesn’t everyone have a different opinion on what they think is good? I might feel like posting about one thing is going to attract more people when in reality it could be pushing people away. I just think it could be kind of confusing since everyone is different and likes different things. 

Overall I thought this reading was very interesting and gave great tips to help jumpstart your social media interactions and I am looking forward to reading the rest of it soon!

Quotes: “The Art of Social Media” by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 What is your favorite form of social media? I feel like this is a question that you could ask anyone, and it will spark a good conversation. I have accounts on most platforms, but I could easily rank them from favorite to least favorite. However, for this post I am going to focus on my favorite which is Twitter. 

This actually goes right along with my principles of social media class this week because we have a live tweeting assignment. Live tweeting is one reason I wanted to download Twitter in the first place. My favorite show is Pretty Little Liars (if you have never seen it I highly recommend it) and I wanted to be able to watch the episodes on Tuesday nights and see what the cast and creators had to say about each scene. Even though that show ended, I still get on there to see what people have to say about different shows. 


I say that I do not enjoy watching the news because it’s always so negative and no fun but then I get on twitter and a lot of the time it is the same thing. Just people being rude and making fun of others. You have to be careful because people will “cancel” you. I stick to retweeting instead of tweeting most of the time. 


I love twitter so much because there is a side that is not full of negativity. I mostly follow sports accounts and musicians. Sports and music are towards the top of my favorite things and Twitter allows me to view both of those things at once. Not only this but I see funny tweets that my friends are retweeting. It’s kind of like a cycle, someone retweets something for their followers to see and then you retweet that same thing so your followers can see. Not everything has to be political. Some things are meant to be there just to make others laugh. 


Twitter is also great for live updates on different events. Accounts can announce closures or delays and some even just say random things throughout the day just to make others smile. Live scoring updates for baseball, basketball, softball, football, any and everything. If you can’t be at the game you will still know exactly what is going on.

Twitter is always there when I need a smile or need to know how badly the Cincinnati Reds are losing. Either way it is by far my favorite form of social media. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Welcome Weekend at ONU

 Hi everyone! Welcome to my first blog post. I am going to start off with a piece of my life at Ohio Northern University. Just a few weeks ago was the end of my first year away at college. There were good times and some not so good times, but I was expecting that since it was my first time being away from home. And of course, everything was different because of COVID so that had a huge impact as well. 


While first semester was rough for me, one of my first and favorite memories thus far was welcome weekend. I came into ONU without knowing a single person, so I was a nervous wreck. My orientation group and leader helped me open up more since it was kind of like an automatic group of friends. We did everything together that first week since we were all trying to get into the swing of things. 


We started out with cheesy ice breakers to try and get to know one another better but as we spent more time with each other we started actually becoming friends. We were all glad that we got to do all the fun events together. Not only was my group good, my orientation leader, Emaleigh Wallace, gave me and everyone else a good first impression of life as a polar bear. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to guide me through my first week. 


ONU did their best to give us the most normal experience possible while still following COVID rules. We had a night where we just all went on the tundra and got to meet everyone, a night where we got to try all the different types of pizza around Ada, a movie night, a day full of inflatables and games, and signing the rock. Signing the rock made me feel like I was officially an ONU student. 


I am very grateful that we got to experience all of this in person. I was able to make friends that I still talked to throughout the year even once we started classes. I try to remind myself that even though the year was different and hard, some people did not get to experience any of this and would have done anything to be able to. I will never forget my first experiences as a polar bear.