Thursday, May 27, 2021


 What is your favorite form of social media? I feel like this is a question that you could ask anyone, and it will spark a good conversation. I have accounts on most platforms, but I could easily rank them from favorite to least favorite. However, for this post I am going to focus on my favorite which is Twitter. 

This actually goes right along with my principles of social media class this week because we have a live tweeting assignment. Live tweeting is one reason I wanted to download Twitter in the first place. My favorite show is Pretty Little Liars (if you have never seen it I highly recommend it) and I wanted to be able to watch the episodes on Tuesday nights and see what the cast and creators had to say about each scene. Even though that show ended, I still get on there to see what people have to say about different shows. 


I say that I do not enjoy watching the news because it’s always so negative and no fun but then I get on twitter and a lot of the time it is the same thing. Just people being rude and making fun of others. You have to be careful because people will “cancel” you. I stick to retweeting instead of tweeting most of the time. 


I love twitter so much because there is a side that is not full of negativity. I mostly follow sports accounts and musicians. Sports and music are towards the top of my favorite things and Twitter allows me to view both of those things at once. Not only this but I see funny tweets that my friends are retweeting. It’s kind of like a cycle, someone retweets something for their followers to see and then you retweet that same thing so your followers can see. Not everything has to be political. Some things are meant to be there just to make others laugh. 


Twitter is also great for live updates on different events. Accounts can announce closures or delays and some even just say random things throughout the day just to make others smile. Live scoring updates for baseball, basketball, softball, football, any and everything. If you can’t be at the game you will still know exactly what is going on.

Twitter is always there when I need a smile or need to know how badly the Cincinnati Reds are losing. Either way it is by far my favorite form of social media. 

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