Saturday, May 29, 2021

Live Tweeting!

Hey everyone! I did my live tweeting assignment for my principles of social media class today. I actually did it from the car as my family was driving to Florida for vacation. So,  it was an experience to say the least. 

I was going to live tweet a softball game yesterday, but I could not get the game feed to load because we were basically in the middle of nowhere all throughout yesterday. So, I quit trying to get it to load and said that I would try the Cincinnati Reds game today. While we were still on the road today I had multiple different ways that I could access the game so I knew I would get it one way or another. 


I started out listening to the game on the radio and watching the live pitch-by-pitch updates on the MLB app. Luckily we arrived at our condo during the fourth or fifth inning, so I was able to turn it on and actually watch it after that. 


I found out that you definitely have to pay attention most if not all of the time to make sure you do not miss anything. Someone got hurt while I wasn’t paying attention, so I had to play catch up as the announcers said what happened. 


Unfortunately, it was not a good game. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything less from the Reds. Us Reds fans have been experiencing losses, especially to the cubs, for years now. It stated out only 2-0 and the Reds even tied it up in the sixth inning. After that, everything and I mean everything went downhill.  We went through three pitchers in one inning. What an inning it was for the Cubs in the 8th . They blasted the ball and ended up scoring 8 more runs to finish out the game 10-2. As a Reds fan, that was not a fun game to watch and live tweet along with. 


Overall, I think I would live tweet again if I needed to, but probably not on my own by choice. I am glad I am able to say that I have done it. Maybe a TV show or a better game even though there is no way I could control that. I am just an impatient person, so that could have been a factor as well. 


Even though they lose all the time, I will always support the Cincinnati Reds!


Photo from: @Reds


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Megan! I also did a baseball game for my live tweeting assignment! It was originally supposed to be the Reds vs the Nationals but I could not get the game feed to load either so it sounds like we had somewhat similar situations! I ended up having to settle for the Yankees vs the Blue Jays which was okay I guess, but I have always been a Reds fan. I agree with what you said about having to pay attention almost all the time or else you end up missing something important. The Reds are not great but I will always support them as well!
