Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 Hi everyone!

I spent this past weekend in Cleveland for, you guessed it, another concert. I saw the same person as last week, Conan Gray, but I won't bore you with all of that again. I did get to do a few things in the city besides the concert, so I'll share some of my favorite moments!

The hotel we stayed in was just a Holiday Inn Express but boy was it nice. It looked like a five-star hotel to me. Our room was on the 13th floor...I did not know buildings had 13th floors because they are said to be bad luck. Luckily, nothing bad or spooky happened to us while in the room. 

Right down the road from the hotel was a Taco Bell Cantina. If you do not know what that is, it is a Taco Bell that serves alcohol. I did not eat there, but just walking by was so cool to me and I hope I get the chance to try it sometime in my life. 

I ate Wahlburgers for lunch on Saturday. I do not actually like burgers but they did have chicken, so I got the spicy crispy chicken BLT sandwich. I proceeded to pick off the lettuce and tomato because I do not like those either. Overall, the sandwich was absolutely delicious and I would totally get it again. 

On the drive to and from Cleveland we passed this place called Grandpa's Cheese Barn. It is a place full of every type of cheese, dip, pickles, and so much more. Right next to it is a chocolate and candy store. It is always so fun to go in there and just look around even if you do not like half of the things that they sell. I love just looking around. 

One last highlight to my weekend does have to do with Conan Gray himself. During the encore song I had put my phone down and stopped recording just to take it in and enjoy the moment. I was waving as he came over to the side of the stage that I was on and he waved back. CONAN GRAY WAVED AT ME! I got so excited, but then remembered I wasn't recording. Once the show ended I then went on to ask everyone around me to send me the video so I could have proof of it. Below is a screenshot from one of the videos. 

I hope you aren't too tired of my concert stories yet, because I still have a few more coming up!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


 Hi everyone!

This past weekend I went to Louisville for a Conan Gray concert. Conan is one of my favorite artists at the moment (besides Harry Styles, duh).

We drove down Friday afternoon. I made a pit stop at home to eat lunch and see my dad and cats who I missed very much. Once on the road we did not arrive at the venue until 7:30 because of traffic in Cincinnati. I tried to go around it, but my GPS told me that it was faster to just go through it versus going around it. 

It was the opening night of the Superache Tour, so I had no idea what was going to be on the setlist, or what the stage would look like, or anything. I was so excited to not know what was coming next. 

I was dripping sweat from dancing and singing, the show finally ended. He did not play one of my favorite songs from the new album and I was so upset about it. I am hoping he adds it to the setlist since I will be seeing him again a few more times. 

Our post-concert tradition is to get Taco Bell. We found one nearby, and then hit the road to come back home. That was the longest drive of my life because I was so tired. I crashed the second my head hit the pillow when I got home. 

I attached a picture of a BeReal that Conan took during the show. If you look straight down the middle there is a flashlight on...that's me!

It was so much fun and I cannot wait to do it all again next weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Week Four Check-In


We are at the point in the semester where we all have our schedules pretty much down pat, and we know what we are doing. Our classes are starting to pick up, and some even have exams coming up. Lucky for me none of my classes this semester does exams at all, so that is one less thing that I do not need to stress about. 

Getting up early never seems to get easier no matter what time I go to bed. I can wake up just as tired when I go to bed at 10 p.m. versus 3 a.m. Caffeine is my best friend in the mornings. 

For my PR Issues class, we have been reading a book called Stamped. It is about the history of racism. It is teaching me so much that I did not know. People like Abraham Lincoln are not who we were taught that they were when we were in middle and high school. While I hate history books, this book is actually pretty interesting and I am glad we are reading it in class because I would not of chose this book on my own. 

For this class that I am doing the blog for (PR Strategies) we recently chose the company we wanted to work with and I chose Ohio Valley Region. My teammates are Brooke, Sam, and Alex. I love all of them, so I am super excited to work with them on this!

None of my other classes have had really anything special that is worth mentioning but stay tuned for a later post if they do. 

I hope you all have a good week and weekend!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Social Media Presentation

 Hi everyone!

This past week I was given the opportunity to give a presentation to Elida Middle School about the Do's and Don'ts of social media. I did not work alone; Emma Smith was also by my side for this.

Emma and I woke up bright and early on Friday morning to drive over to Lima to help out Dr. Aggie in giving this presentation. We were not really nervous because social media is such a big part in today's world, so we felt like we both knew what we were talking about. 

A few things we talked about is filtering what you say about other people, and the fact that nothing is ever deleted or private even if you think it is. As middle schoolers, they were probably just happy to get out of class and did not really care about what we had to say, but we tried to make it somewhat engaging so they really know we are not lying. 

After we finished presenting, Emma, Dr. Aggie, and I went out for brunch. We went to Lulus and it was delicious! I got pancakes, eggs, and bacon with chocolate milk to drink. I am a kid at heart because chocolate milk is my favorite drink ever. 

After brunch we hung out at Dr. Aggie's house for a while and then we had to head back to ONU to get to our PR Issues class because we had a news quiz that day. 

Overall, it was a fun experience and I even got two practicum points out of it so it was a win win for all of us!