Friday, June 18, 2021

Social Media for Strategic Communication Ch. 7-8

This week’s reading was only two chapters. Chapter seven talks about strategic writing and chapter eight talks about audience segmentation. 


The part in chapter seven that stuck out to me the most was the common writing mistakes. It talks about not jumping on the bandwagon and inserting yourself into conversations. Only do it when the time is right. Everyone is going to make grammar mistakes, but you can prevent the other mistakes such as inappropriate content and spreading false information. Another important part is to make sure you know what you are getting into before engaging. A hashtag can be one thing and mean something completely different. Just always be careful and double check before you post. 


The part in chapter eight that stuck out to me the most was the part about influencers. There are different types of influencers such as brand influencers and social media influencers. Brand influencers just do ads and try to get you to buy products using their platforms. Social media influencers are different. They create a person who may or may not actually be who they are. They pretend that they have a perfect life to rack up their follower account. I feel like this is how lots of influencers are on Instagram. Use filters and heavily edit their photos to make it seem like they have the perfect body. Anyone can work their way up to an influencer, but how they use it is up to them. 


Information from: “Social Media for Strategic Communication” by Karen Freberg 

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