Thursday, June 17, 2021


This week I had an assignment that had to do with Pinterest. When I think of social media I don’t automatically think of Pinterest. However, when I remember that it exists I get drowned in looking at random things. 


If anyone doesn’t know Pinterest is where you can organize ideas or pretty much anything into boards. You can make a board for any and everything. Recipes, home décor, hairstyles, literally anything. 


I used to use Pinterest all the time as a kid. I would use my mom’s account and just make random boards and pin things all day long. Some of my favorite things to pin were crazy shoes, nail polish designs, and things I wanted to do in the summer but never actually would. 


My mom sent me a post she saw on Facebook about Pinterest. I do not know who to give credit to since she sent it to me, but I loved how they worded it. See the image in this post to see what it says!

While it may not seem like social media, but it is. There are other people on there that you can interact with. But unlike others people are less likely to judge you. You are free to pin what you want. Others may judge you in their head but that is better than saying it out loud. If you don't have a Pinterest account I highly suggest you try it out!

1 comment:

  1. I love that image and quote. I get on Pinterest all the time to create new ideas for what to wear or paint! I can spend hours on their. Great post!
