Thursday, June 3, 2021

Social Media and Mental Health

Hello from Tennessee! I am currently on my way home from Florida right now so what better way to kill time than to write a blog. 

It’s a long ride (about 17 hours) so I’ve had a whole lot of nothing to do. I’ve been jumping from Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, and even Facebook. I find it crazy that every time I open an app there is new posts for me to look at. I rarely see the same thing twice. It really shows how much people rely on social media. Without it I think I would be bored to tears on this ride home. I have even turned on ESPN on my phone to watch a softball game. So, it is not even just social media, it’s everything on my phone in general. 


When I was little we used to drive to New Jersey every year to visit family. Even thinking back to then I had an iPod to keep me occupied in the car. 


Honestly, the world would probably be a better place without social media, but it is such a big part in everyone’s lives I don’t think it will ever go away. There is so much hate on every site and it is detrimental to people’s mental health. I really only engage and comment on my friends’ posts. Along with this I never comment anything negative. You never know what people are going through behind that screen. Those people could be using it as an escape from their life to help them feel better. You never know and you don’t want to be the person to make it worse. 


Some people decide to take breaks from social media or start out by giving it up for lent. My aunt did that and did not go back until well after lent ended because she said it was so nice not seeing all the negativity. 


Tik Tok has been a big source of negativity lately. Some of my favorite creators have been forced to stop making videos due to the fact that people were spreading rumors about them and it was harming their everyday life. It hurts me to know that there are people out there who find joy in ruining other people’s days. 


I just think that some people do not think before they post. They need to think about how they would feel if someone said something like that to them. These are real people on the other side of the screen and them posting about their life for fun should not be taken away because people think it’s funny to be rude. Mental health is very important in today’s world and small things can affect it. 


I am guilty of spending too much time on social media, but I can at least say that I do not do anything or post anything that will harm anyone else in any way. Just think about others and do not say something that you would not want someone to say to you. Mental health matters and social media could help or hurt that in an instance.


  1. Hi Megan, I completely agree with you about how social media can damage mental health. I have also seen some pretty hurtful and negative people on the apps I have been using. For instance, TikTok used to be like a go to for me because I really enjoyed seeing some of the artistic creators I follow but not it seems that people's accounts are being deleted for things that are unclear or for no reason at all. Instagram has always been a place where people can feel insecure even though everyone edits their pictures anyways. I think about this all the time and how social media can be really harmful. Thanks for making this blog is was a great way to share the message. I look forward to reading your next blog!

  2. Yeah honestly me personally I do not really use social media all that much for my personal brand. I use a lot of YouTube but most of the is for either learning or entertainment. I stay away from the sites for the most part where you can argue with people and say negative things. Yeah I would agree with what you said about people using social media is escape their pain and get away from reality. It is how I got into videogames. I had a lot of painful accidences that happened to me growing up and I turned to videogames to help escape that. It is good that you are conscience about using social media though and what you post.

  3. I totally agree too! I did not have an iPod or any form of social media until the 7th grade, and even then, hardly ever used it. I tend to stay off social media, not because of the negativity, but because I will get addicted to it and spend hours scrolling through my feed when I could (and should) be more productive. This makes for some serious cognitive dissonance and tends to leave me feeling even more bored and frustrated with myself. Adventure is out there, you know?
