Wednesday, June 9, 2021

COVID at College

Hey everyone! In this blog I am going to tell you a little more about how college life was during a pandemic. I’ll start by saying it was an experience. 

Everyone dreams of going to college and living their best life. I think it is safe to say that I did not live my best life this past year. I just did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I did all I could to get the experience but COVID really limited all of that. I know that sounds bad, but I just mean the whole being away from home. I had made some friends, but we were basically limited to my room or theirs. No activities or anything for the most part. 


Luckily, second semester I started working for the Ohio Northern Sports Information Department. This let me be able to attend some sporting events. I worked football, baseball, and softball games. Every once and a while I worked a lacrosse or soccer game. I was loving it. I got paid to watch sports. I’ll take that any day!


When we got the email saying that we were not going to be required to wear masks this coming fall I was ecstatic. I will actually hopefully get to see what real college life is like. I’ll be seeing everyone’s whole face for the first time. Having on campus events to go to and being able to be in a room with more than 10 people without getting in trouble. 


To sum it all up, I basically sat into my room a lot. I found more things to do eventually but I have heard that there is more to college life than what we just experienced this past year. Even the dining hall was completely different, but I don’t know it any other way so it will be interesting to see how everything is this fall. 


  1. Yeah that had to of been rough coming into college and not being able to fully experience it because of covid. I think next semester is going to be weird since covid is going away. Obviously I want covid to go away and not have to wear a mask but I will be a little weird for a little while I think. Also I do not know what your thoughts were on the dining hall this past year since covid dining hall is all you have know about the dining hall but I can tell you the dining hall is better when covid is not around.

  2. I feel so bad for you and everyone who has to go into college during COVID. It really makes meeting new people and doing all the fun activities harder :( I also agree that it will be interesting to see how things go for your fall semester. Good luck with everything!

  3. I feel like covid has forced people to either develop an additional personality to be more social than normal or backed them into a corner. I know quite a few freshmen who embraced covid like you and tried their best to get involved. I can see how it wouldn't be fulfilling. I just hope that with the new regulations this fall that we can safely stay on campus again while also resuming the activities we all miss so much.
